Monday, June 16, 2014

Olivia's afghan.

I'm not too sure if I have shared this before but, these are a bunch of flower parts four Olivia's afghan.  I let her plan with them and it was a blast to watch her. Before she would pick them up and move them around a little bit. Now she squeals, tosses and puts them into things.  She has grown so fast. She even is walking a lot!

Well now to go and work on my sewing room. The Bionic Man can wait for later.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

New Machines

Well good news!  I went shopping and ended up getting not 1 but 3 sewing machines. The pretty one is a Singers. I probably shouldn't have bought that one. I paided more than I should of too. I will need to learn to dicker better. The second is a very old Kenmore. It is cast iron and brown. It doesn't have a bobin case. I will have to get that. The third is the best. It is a 1919 singer treadle machine. It works great. The previous owner was a quilter too. She showed me how to work everthing and I used my phone to film it. It was awesome.

I asked her if she named it and she looked at me like I was a bit strange. So on the way home I was thinking of what it should be and Sweetpea popped into my head. So that is her name. The girls are: Sweetpea, Brownie and Pretty Girl. Now to find 3 things to fling. That was my daughter's first question, "What are you getting rid of? "

I will post pictures soon.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Sewing with Bonnie Hunter

Here I am with Bonnie Hunter in front of my 3 classes'.

The first one was fantastic.  I learned some shortcuts that will make my life easier. I am so eager to finish all of them.

The second day was a bit more challenging.  More pieces means less done. That was ok. I picked out purple,  because the bin was ready and I didn't have to dig. Yellow seemed a good choice. I couldn't think of a third color right off. There was three oranges and I thought, "why not!".
After making one of each block combination,  I decided I didn't care for the combo. Too much like Halloween. Not my thing.  I am going to make this into a wall hanging. I do want to make one out of purple, yellow and aqua instead of orange. 

The last was called "Love Shack". I have a house quilt already so instead of house blocks,  I made stars and I will make an "Olivia" quilt,  which means that there is a "David" one on the back burner.

I think this will help me get my mojo back!

Monday, June 9, 2014


Live photo.

Bonnie Hunter

I am sitting in her lecture! Class was super!

Too hyper to sleep

It is 1:30 in the morning. I am getting up in 5 hours to get ready for my first day of three quilt classes with Bonnie Hunter.

So not ready. What's new?

Monday, June 2, 2014


I can hardly wait!  Next Monday I will be taking a class from "The" Bonnie Hunter!  I have been following her before she published any books. I feel like the girls you see when the Beatles arrived! . The closer it gets,  the more hyper I get!
This is her blog,  check it out!

She is teaching 3 classes and I signed up for all of them.

I can't wait!