Monday, March 28, 2011


Well this Thursday will be the last day of school. I realize my typing is poor because, I read real fast and I will type what I see when I look ahead. I need to slow down.
I am meeting my goal and I try not to look when I type. 
I am up to 38-45 if there isn't any numbers or symbols. 30-33 if there is,  I think that is pretty good.

Now for some fun stuff.  Here is a picture my youngest took of herself a couple of years ago and I did a "Andy Warhol" thing to them. They are going in to a photo album called "Girls on Film". ( I love Duran Duran)

Ain't she cute?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Hope

I did well in school yesterday. I typed better. Let's try today.

The quick brown fox junps over the lazu dpg.

Not too bad 3 errors.
I will be doing some sewing after school today and I will post pictures then. Now if only I can figure out how to post from my phone.  I can post to my flickr account.
Mom and Frisky
This is a picture of my Mom and one of our cats Frisky.  She couldn't get out of bed without help. But he would carefully crawl up and move so she could put her arms over him and hold him.  He is such a big baby.

I sure do miss her.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Well school is almost done.  The end of the month is it.  I need to get my typing speed up.  I HATE to type!  I am not getting it fast enough. (I know it will but the child in me is impatient!  I WANT IT NOW!).

I will have to pratice more.

The quioc brown fox chaces the lazy fow.
(see I didn't fix the errors.  I will commit to posting this every day)

Wish me luck!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Accuquilt Baby Go! Give-Away!!

Surprise! A good thing happened white checking out other peoples sew in's Sunshowerquilts is having a give away.  Just wanted to let you too.  I would love to have one.  I have a studio and the little baby would be a bonus!

Friday Night Sew In

I finally was able to sew and to post.  Things are settling down a little bit. Here are pictures of the last Round Robin that I need to finish. I have decided to finish this before I sign up for any more. Here is the link to my Flickr pictures Photos.
