Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Hope

I did well in school yesterday. I typed better. Let's try today.

The quick brown fox junps over the lazu dpg.

Not too bad 3 errors.
I will be doing some sewing after school today and I will post pictures then. Now if only I can figure out how to post from my phone.  I can post to my flickr account.
Mom and Frisky
This is a picture of my Mom and one of our cats Frisky.  She couldn't get out of bed without help. But he would carefully crawl up and move so she could put her arms over him and hold him.  He is such a big baby.

I sure do miss her.


  1. Keep up the practicing! I'm a court reporter so I know what you're going through! And mom, thanks for sharing that! I miss mine, too!

  2. What a precious picture of your Mom...and the cat. I have a kitty that would do the same thing. She seems to pick up on what people need.

    Thanks for the reminder that Moms are such a blessing. Sometimes I forget.
